Swiss Medtech Expo 365

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Innovation Symposium: The cleanroom as a success factor

Demanding hygiene requirements in medical technology present challenges for planning, implementing and operating cleanrooms. Attend the Innovation Symposium at the Swiss Medtech Expo to learn how you can achieve success in the production, assembly and packaging of medtech products.

The Innovation Symposium conveys expert knowledge – gained from practice, for use in practice. On Wednesday, 11 September 2019, experts will be speaking from 11:45 am to 1:15 pm about the background and projects currently underway that focus on "The cleanroom as a success factor".


  • Von der Entwicklung zur Produktion – Partikelfrei
    Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Kessler, Rohr AG
  • Synergie der Infrastruktur-Anlagen
    Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Kessler, Rohr AG
  • Näher am Markt durch Flexibilisierung der Reinraumproduktion
    Stefan Bokorny, IE Life Science



Some presentations will be held in German.