Swiss Medtech Expo 365

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Know-How Swiss Medtech Expo 2021

6 good reasons for outsourcing in times of MDR

Discover in our white paper 6 good reasons why outsourcing is even more worthwhile for medical device manufacturers during these times of the new medical device regulation (MDR).

Brütsch Elektronik AG
Beringen, Switzerland

As a medical device manufacturer, do you feel pressure from the competition? Do you find that the market has squeezed innovation cycle times? Are your margins under pressure because you are struggling with rising costs and additional requirements of the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR)? For medical device manufacturers, the time span between product conception and market launch is more critical now than ever.

Discover in our white paper six good reasons why outsourcing is even more worthwhile for medical device manufacturers during these times of MDR.

Link to white paper

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Silvio Nussbaumer

Silvio Nussbaumer

Head of Marketing and New Business Development
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