Swiss Medtech Expo 365

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Ruetschi Technology AG

Ruetschi Technology AG

Short description

Als Lieferant, Contract Manufacturer oder Legal Manufacturer unterstützen wir unsere anspruchsvollen Kunden in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von hochwertigen Medizinprodukten.

from Muntelier, Switzerland


Posts (3)


Additive manufacturing metals Additive manufacturing plastics Alternative technologies Application development Assembly Clean room production Consulting Consulting additive manufacturing Contract research and development Design of parts for additive manufacturing Disposables for labs Disposables for the OR Disposables for the care unit Embedded Systems Engineering Endoscopic diagnostics Engineering of packaging solutions Engineering services Entire systems Equipment manufacturing Erosion machines Extrusion equipment Further contract manufacturing Further contract manufacturing metal Further contract manufacturing plastic Further injection molding Further packaging Further plastics Further post-processing, surfaces Further products Further quality assurance Further research and development Further services Further services development Further services for manufacturers Heat treatment Injection molding tools Instruments Laser processing Mechanical implants Metals additive manufacturing Milling machines Milling tools Multi-component injection molding tools Multicomponent injection molding Multicomponent injection molding machines Other disposables Other implants Other medical products and devices Packaging Plastics additive manufacturing Primary and secundary packaging Product development Production of packaging Prototyping Rapid prototyping Registration of medical devices Reverse engineering Risk management Robotics Services for clean room operators Steril and low contamination packaging Storage Surface cleaning Surface cleaning Surface coating Surface coating Surface testing Surface testing Surface treatment Surface treatment Technical cleanliness Technology development Turning machines Turning tools Water jet cutting


Wir sind ein Full-Service Provider in der Medizintechnik, der sich durch Innovation, exzellenten Service, Expertise in Technologie, höchstes Qualitätsdenken und hohe Umsetzungseffizienz auszeichnet.


Dank unserer langjährigen Erfahrung, unserem technischen Know-how und unserer vollständig integrierten Produktion sind wir der bevorzugte Partner und «one-stop-shop» für die Entwicklung und OEM-Produktion von Medizinprodukten. 


  • Single Use Solutions (Einweg Instrumente und Procedure-Kits)
  • Verpackung
  • Implantate
  • Instrumente
  • Komplexe Baugruppen
  • Medizinische Bohrer
  • Präventive Wartungen
  • Neuaufbereitungen
  • Artzneiabgabemittel


  • Forschung und Entwicklung
  • Technische Beratung
  • Herstellung von Medizinprodukten
  • Massgeschneiderte Verpackungen
  • Qualitätsmanagement
  • Regulatorische Unterstützung
  • Lagerhaltung/Logistik 


Ruetschi Technology AG

Muntelier, Switzerland
Fabrikstrasse 35

Ruetschi Technology SA

Yverdons-les-Bains, Switzerland
Rue des Prés-du-Lac 63

Ruetschi Technology GmbH

Renquinshausen, Germany
Am Windpark 4

Puracon GmbH

Rosenheim, Germany
Isarstrasse 1


Lucas Waldvogel

Lucas Waldvogel

Head of Sales
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