Swiss Medtech Expo 365

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Service Swiss Medtech Expo 2019

Easy access, quick decisions

Setting up a business in Schaffhausen is a quick and straightforward process. The local authorities have a pro-business stance, access to decision-makers is direct, decision-making is quick and everything is kept simple.

Wirtschaftsförderung Kanton Schaffhausen
Schaffhausen, Switzerland

If you have any questions about relocating to Schaffhausen, we are here to help, free of charge. Our Team is your go-to partner for information on any topic and will help you to:

  • make contact with the authorities, business service providers, trade bodies and companies
  • manage complex processes which require the involvement of a number of authorities
  • find premises
  • find advice and expertise on technology and services such as technology transfer, links to tech businesses
  • access support for start-ups

Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your contact person

Adrian Stettler

Adrian Stettler

Executive Vice President, International Affairs
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